Hands-on learning awaits...


Our Mission

The mission of Kaleideum is:

Inspiring wonder, curiosity, and lifelong learning in our children and community through interactive play and discovery.

Quick Historical Facts About Kaleideum North

  • In 1962, the concept of a nature and science facility was introduced to the Winston-Salem Recreation Commission by the Junior League.
  • In 1964, The Nature Science Center opened its doors. Originally 4,000 square feet, visitors saw a small area for display of collections, the planetarium, a classroom, live animals, and offices.
  • In 1974, relocation to SciWorks’ present site was achieved.
  • In 1991, the Board of Directors revised the mission statement of the science center which resulted in the new name SciWorks, The Science Center and Environmental Park of Forsyth County, Inc.
  • In 1992, the new building and Environmental Park opened.
  • In 2016, SciWorks merged with the Children’s Museum of Winston-Salem and announced its new name: Kaleideum.

For an in-depth history of Kaleideum North, please click here.