Hands-on learning awaits...

Kaleideum invites you to

Be Part
of the

Be part of the art and enhance the project with your contribution of a commemorative tile!

The reimagined Kaleideum opens in February 2024, and every twist and turn in this experiential learning museum reveals surprising possibilities — just like the kaleidoscope after which the museum was named. This kaleidoscopic adventure continues with a sensory pathway mural adorning the side of the museum along Town Run Lane.

Be part of the art and enhance the project with your contribution of a commemorative tile. Each 4” x 10” colorful tile is only $250 and will help build a future where LEARNING and FUN collide

Commemorative tiles ordered by January 15 will be installed by the February 17 Grand Opening!

Questions? Email us at giving@kaleideum.org.

Meet the Artist: Christina Parrish

Christina is the vibrant mural maestro and art educator extraordinaire behind the Kaleideum mural. By day, Christina’s a passionate high-school art teacher and by night (and in the summers), she’s a mural magician, turning blank spaces around the Triad into vibrant canvases that come to life.

When she’s not painting up a storm, Christina is excitedly preparing for the opening of the reimagined Kaleideum alongside her husband, Griff Sr., and the rest of the Parrish family: Griff (age 5), Grady (age 2), and the family’s newest addition, Corbin.


Check out Christina’s work at christinaparrishart.com.