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Register Your Kaleideum Field Trip Online!

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please complete the form below and submit your request to Kaleideum. The Kaleideum Museum Scheduling Coordinator will contact you to confirm your request. Reservations are not confirmed until you receive a confirmation email from Kaleideum.

Thank you for choosing to spend your day at Kaleideum!

  • School Group Admission

    Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School System Students: Free

    All other Forsyth County Students: $8

    Preschool Students: $8

    Out of County School Students: $10

    Teachers: Free

    Bus Drivers: Free

    **Additional family members are welcome to visit the museum but will be required to pay full price and are not allowed into the group’s scheduled education programs or Digital Dome shows.

    Education Program Fees* (per person)

    PreK-12th Grade Programs: $7

    Digital Dome Programs $7

    Laser Shows: $4

    WSFCS Title 1 schools receive one free program per group per year.

    *NC sales tax included on admission. Program fees are not taxed.

  • Note: Due to some technical difficulties, if you operate within the gcsnc.com email system, please provide an alternate email address.
  • A bill will be sent to this address if invoice is unpaid at the time of the visit.
  • Separate names by a comma
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • :
  • IMPORTANT! Lunch at Kaleideum is held in LaSTEAM B (our cafeteria). Please be sure to reserve a lunch time when you schedule.
  • Each program is $7 per visitor. View our Educator's Guide for more information about programs here.