Hands-on learning awaits...

butterflyJourney into the amazing world of butterflies at SciWorks. Visitors can experience a temporary Butterfly Vivarium through Labor Day, adopt a butterfly and participate in the butterfly release on September 22.

“The decline of butterfly populations has been in the news quite a bit lately, and our butterfly programs over the next few weeks are examples of ‘citizen science,’ in which the science experiment is actually being conducted by the visitors to SciWorks,” says Paul Kortenaar, executive director of SciWorks. “The vivarium will help visitors learn about the ideal environment for butterflies, and the adopted and released butterflies are being tracked, which will help reveal the life cycle, mating and migration patterns of these beautiful creatures in a most engaging way.”

Families can participate and learn more about butterflies in three ways.

Visit the Butterfly Vivarium

From August 17-September 2, families can view butterflies up close in the temporary Butterfly Vivarium. This enclosed space located in the Environmental Park will have a variety of butterfly species and plants, such as milkweed, thus creating an ideal habitat. All-a-Flutter Butterfly Farm in High Point is providing the butterflies. Don’t forget to bring your camera to capture these lovely insects on film!


Take part in this very special program and learn about the amazing migration of the Monarch by adopting your own Monarch butterfly for $25. Your butterfly will be tagged with a unique number, and you’ll receive an adoption certificate listing that number. If your butterfly is recovered in Mexico or somewhere else along its migration route, we will send you details about its journey. In addition, you will receive a special “I Adopted a Butterfly at SciWorks” magnet. This is a wonderful way to commemorate a birthday or anniversary or to remember a loved one. You can personally release your butterfly on September 22. Adopt-a-Butterfly at SciWorks

To adopt, call (336) 714-7109 or click here for an Adopt-a-Butterfly Reservation Form, which can be faxed back to (336) 661-1777 or mailed to SciWorks at 400 West Hanes Mill Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105.

Take Part in the Butterfly Release

On September 22 from 1:30-2:30 p.m., join SciWorks for the final special butterfly event when 100 Monarch butterflies are released to migrate to Mexico. At 1:30 p.m., there will be a short program about the Monarch life cycle and migration, and then those who adopted butterflies will receive their personal Monarch in preparation for the mass release. Everyone is invited to watch the release.

Please note: In the event of rain or high heat, this event may be postponed. Call (336) 767-6730 if you have any questions about the weather that day.

Don’t miss learning about the wonderful world of butterflies over the next few weeks. “By participating in an up close, interactive experience, our visitors are not only learning science,” Kortenaar says. “They are doing science!”