Hands-on learning awaits...

The NC Clean Energy Technology Center is hosting a Clean Transportation Tour that will take place in Concord, Winston-Salem and Raleigh on October 20-22. The second stop, on October 21, is in Winston-Salem at SciWorks. The tour is an opportunity for invited guests (including corporate executives, fleet managers, elected officials and other decision makers) to:

  • Drive the latest alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles.
  • Gain information to help their organizations make informed decisions about fleet deployment and purchasing in order to increase efficiency and total return on investments.
  • Celebrate emission reduction accomplishments at the 9th annual Mobile CARE & NC Smart Fleet Awards.
  • Position their organizations to thrive in a rapidly changing business landscape.

  The event at SciWorks takes place October 21 from 8:45 am to 1 pm.

  • 8:45 am – 10:45 am: Savings and Financing for Clean Transportation Workshop
  • 10:45 am – Noon: Ride & Drive and Displays
  • Noon – 1 pm: 9th Annual Mobile Clean Air Renewable Energy (CARE) & NC Smart Fleet Awards Luncheon (Awards presented by NC Department of Transportation Secretary, Nick Tennyson)

The NC Clean Energy Technology Center at NC State University, with support from the NC Department of Transportation and partners, is organizing this educational workshop tour as part of the $6.2M three-year Clean Fuel Advanced Technology Project.

More than 2.9 million North Carolinians with respiratory and heart-related diseases are at direct risk due to the health effects of poor air quality. Lower carbon fuels, transportation efficiency, and tools to promote changes in driver behavior help reduce emissions and support fuel conservation and diversity. They can also help business and government save money and meet sustainability goals.

About the North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center

The North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center, as part of the College of Engineering at North Carolina State University, advances a sustainable energy economy by educating, demonstrating, and providing support for clean energy technologies, practices, and policies. It serves as a resource for innovative, green energy technologies through technology demonstration, technical assistance, outreach, and training. For more information about the NCCETC, visit: http://nccleantech.ncsu.edu/. Twitter: @NCCleanTech. For more information about the project, you may contact Anne Tazewell, N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center, (919) 513-7831, anne_tazewell@ncsu.edu