Hands-on learning awaits...

Safari (Over) Night at the Museum

Saturday January 18

Join us for a roaring good time as you get to meet some of our animals up close and personal, enjoy an animal themed digital dome show, create animal crafts and play animal themed games before camping out at Kaleideum. A continental breakfast will be provided in the morning before you leave.

Check-in is between 5:30 and 8pm. Doors will lock at 8:00 pm. Dinner is not provided but you are welcome to come and go until 8:00 pm or bring take-out from a number of local restaurants within walking distance.

Camp in is for everyone 5 years of age and older. We do ask that everyone under the age 18 be accompanied by an adult.

Sleeping arrangements can be signed up for when you arrive but are on a first come, first served basis. You are also welcome to take part in the activities and leave at lights out if you prefer not to actually sleep in the museum.

Price is $40 per person for members and $50 per person for non-members.

You will be asked to sign a waiver upon registration. One for each attendee is required. We will have copies available at check in.