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Science CafeHave you been to one of SciWorks’ Science Cafés? These, free, informal talks help participants understand more about the science that is going on around us locally, and they take place at local restaurants.

On Tuesday, October 15, Adam R. Hall, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering with Wake Forest University School of Medicine, will be presenting:

Studying Biology with Tiny Holes: Nanopore Technology in Biomedical Research

At the most basic level, diseases are a result of malfunctions that take place among molecules like DNA and proteins. The size of these molecules is so small, however, that they are difficult to examine. In order to address this problem, my lab is studying nanotechnology– devices that operate at the same scale as the biomolecules themselves. I will discuss an approach called nanopores that we hope will have impact on diseases ranging from bacterial infection to cancer.

The presentation will be at Silo Deli Wine and Cheese Restaurant in Reynolda Village. The program begins at 7 p.m.