Hands-on learning awaits...
Animal Encounter

Animal Encounter

Meet one of Kaleideum North’s resident animals up close. Learn more about its behavior, adaptations, care, and handling from our animal care staff.
Animal Encounter

Animal Encounter

Meet one of Kaleideum North’s resident animals up close. Learn more about its behavior, adaptations, care, and handling from our animal care staff.
Animal Encounter

Animal Encounter

Meet one of Kaleideum North’s resident animals up close. Learn more about its behavior, adaptations, care, and handling from our animal care staff.
Animal Encounter

Animal Encounter

Meet one of Kaleideum North’s resident animals up close. Learn more about its behavior, adaptations, care, and handling from our animal care staff.
Animal Encounter

Animal Encounter

Meet one of Kaleideum North’s resident animals up close. Learn more about its behavior, adaptations, care, and handling from our animal care staff.