Hands-on learning awaits...

Assistance Dogs for Autism at Kaleideum Downtown

Meet some very special dogs with the capability to assist people with physical impairments and to ensure the safety and well-being of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These service dogs can be customized to meet a variety of needs, including...

Sensory Friendly Night at Kaleideum Downtown

Create a sock puppet in The Prop Shop, mold with clay in the Art Studio, dance under the disco ball, and a enjoy an evening of play! Admission is $3 per person plus tax for members and nonmembers. Click here to learn more.

Sensory Friendly Monday at Kaleideum Downtown

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and sensory processing differences are invited to enjoy a fun, interactive learning experience in a comfortable and accepting environment. Offered once a month, Sept–May, on Members Only Mondays when attendance is usually...

Sensory Friendly Night: Easter Adventure at Kaleideum Downtown

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and sensory processing differences are invited to have a fun, enjoyable, and interactive learning experience in a comfortable and accepting environment! Create a bunny craft, enjoy a storytime, and hunt for eggs! Children...