Hands-on learning awaits...

What do you get when you add Summer + Science + Fun + Friends? It’s SciCamp at SciWorks!

With exciting themes ranging from “The Science of Slime” and “Animation Creation” to “Seals to Sea Stars” and “Chemical Concoctions,” your budding scientist is sure to find something to pique his or her curiousity. Click here to check out all the options and for pricing information.

This year, SciWorks is offering One-Day SciCamps the week of July 7-11 and Week-Long SciCamps for the following weeks:

  • July 14-18
  • July21-25
  • July 28-Aug.1
  • Aug. 4-8

Camps are half-day for rising K-1st graders — 9 am to Noon — with a 12:45 pm pick-up offered at no additional charge. Before care is also offered for this age group for an additional fee.

For rising 2nd-6th graders, the camp day goes from 9 am to 4 pm. Before and after extended care is offered for an additional fee.

Register before March 1, and you will get an Early-Bird Discount for Week-Long camps of $10 off per camp. In additional, there is a Multiple Camp/Multiple Child Discount if you register for more than one week-long camp, you will receive $10 off per week-long camp.

Download the registration form and mail it in before March 1, or call Christy Ferguson at (336) 714-7105 to register via phone.