Hands-on learning awaits...

Celebrate the season with our annual Festive Family Friday at Kaleideum North on December 7, from 4:30 to 8: 30 pm! Get in the holiday spirit and come out for a night of music, crafts, and fun for the whole family.

  • Listen to live music performed by the Forsyth Country Day School Orchestra, the RJ Reynolds High School Orchestra, A Cappella ensemble, and Twin City Tuba in the Great Hall.
  • Make reindeer food in the Animal Zone and learn more about resident animals, including the new baby otter!
  • Sing along to holiday songs with Kaleideum Teaching Artists in the Planetarium.
  • Explore “cool” science demonstrations.
  • Make holiday-themed crafts.
  • Visit with special guests that will make an appearance throughout the evening, including Santa. He will be ready for wish lists and photos!!
  • Shop for gifts in the Kaleideum Gift Shop–visitors will receive 30 percent off all Gift Shop purchases of $10 or more, and 15 percent off Camp Kaleideum Gift Certificates.

Tickets are only $3 (+ tax) per person for members and non-members.