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The COVID-19 crisis gives us all a moment to look at how our actions impact impact the earth. From satellite images of less pollution over China to cleaner canals in Venice to sea turtles laying eggs at a record pace on U.S. beaches, the world is watching as the earth takes a rest.

On April 22, we will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the day in 1970 when 20 million Americans took to the street, college campuses, and hundreds of cities to protest environmental damage and demand a new way forward for our planet. One of the ways we can help the planet is through composting, which helps to keep vegetable matter out of landfills and helps to minimize landfills’ contribution to climate change.

In this Kaleideum At Home video, Kaleideum’s Director of Learning & Engagement, Christine Simonson, demonstrates the beauty of a backyard composter.