Hands-on learning awaits...

Kaleideum, in partnership with A Bed and a Book and supported by Triad Kids Dental, is offering a Literacy Fair at Kaleideum North from 11 am to 3 pm on Saturday, March 12.

“With this generous sponsorship from Triad Kids Dental, we are excited to be able to offer free admission to the public from 11 am to 3 pm during the fair,” said Elizabeth Dampier, Kaleideum Executive Director. “This takes away any barriers to access so that more people can engage in the literacy-based activities that will be occurring during this special day.”

The one-day event will provide literacy enrichment through educational activities that encourage early and middle grade learning; resources to support literacy skills; and presentations that demonstrate the interaction between the arts and literacy. During the event, individuals and families can participate in hands-on, minds-on activities such as ‘D’ Is for Dance, interactive dance sessions with Take the Lead, reading party activities with Read Write Spell, Mrs. Cottontail and Friends Storytime and Yoga, and STEAM Storytimes sponsored by Leap into Science and Truist along with performances by Authoring Action and The Word Project. Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools will be on site with activities and information, and the Forsyth County Bookmobile will also park in front of the museum along with Big Apes Food Truck. SECCA, Family Services, Jump at the Sun, and Reading Warriors will have information tables, and Ready Freddy and Bolt from the Winston-Salem Dash will make appearances. In addition, there will be book giveaways and goody bags for the first 300 visitors, and Triad Kids Dental will be on site with activities and a prize wheel.

“Triad Kids Dental is excited to be a part of this collaborative effort to promote access to literacy equity through the encouragement of reading and nurture the learning environment through traditional and creative platforms,” said Chesley Orr, Managing Dentist with the Triad Kids Dental Winston-Salem office. “Come out and enjoy a free day full of activities, crafts, and BOOKS!”

For additional information about the Literacy Fair, download the Literacy Fair Map. For information about other special events, visit kaleideum.org.

Download Map for Kaleideum Literacy Fair