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Kaleideum at Home: Marble Painting

Young children, much like cats, love to move objects around and observe what happens. Rolling a toy down the steps, watching a ball bounce, or testing if an object will sink or float — this is all science, and the more children can observe and play, the better they become at making predictions and inferences as they get older.

Here’s an easy and fun activity to do at home, especially on cold and rainy days.

Get a marble and a shallow box (now you have something to do with all the Amazon boxes!). Have children observe the motion of the marble as you move it around. Then add a piece of paper to the bottom, dip the marble in paint and let them create a marble painting.

Marble painting can make the perfect Valentine’s Day cards for loved ones, created by their favorite artist. If you want to kick it up a notch and be a tech wizard, visit Kaleideum on Thursday, February 10, from 1-3 pm and use our Sphero robots to create a unique Valentine’s Day card. We’ll have all the card-making supplies on hand for you to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

The Valentine’s Day Robotics workshop is $3 for members and $5 for non-members, and takes place in Learning Lab 1 at Kaleideum North.

Click here to register or pay the day of the event.

Stay tuned for more Kaleideum at Home ideas and things to do at Kaleideum!