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Story Time and Fun Frog Facts!

Story Time and Fun Frog Facts!

Summer is here and so are the treefrogs! Ever noticed those strange sounds at night? Treefrogs can make the most bizarre sounds. Probably the most popular treefrog in North Carolina is the Gray Treefrog. Listen here for the Gray Treefrog calls: Here’s some interesting...
Journey to the Red Planet

Journey to the Red Planet

From time to time if you look up into the night sky, you might see an orangish/reddish object or two. One reddish glowing object you might see is the binary star, Antares, in the constellation Scorpius. Antares is often mistaken as Mars due to its bright reddish glow....
Spotting Comet NEOWISE

Spotting Comet NEOWISE

Comets come; comets go. Most of them are too dim to be seen. Occasionally, one will come close enough to be visible. Some of us remember comet Hale-Bopp that provided a spectacular view in 1997. Comet C/2020 F3, aka NEOWISE, has passed by the Sun and is heading back...